The product features a 15% ABV and comes in 70cl bottles in two flavors including Strawberry and Banana, which are priced at £12 each. The products are crafted with vodka, natural fruit flavor and a creamy base for a milkshake-like taste and texture. The product is vegan-friendly, gluten-free and allergen-free.
Marketing Manager Amy Giacobbi commented on the Lacey’s Vodkashake cream liqueur saying, “Creamy cocktails are shrugging off their traditional festive associations and becoming an all-year-round drink of choice, with ice cream cocktails, hard milkshakes and chilled shots now on trend with drinkers looking for sweeter alternatives to traditional serves. The two Lacey’s Vodkashake variants have instant shelf-appeal and are a great addition to your chillers for the warmer months, as well as the Christmas sales period.”
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